If you want to conserve water usage and make sure that a water supply is used optimally, you need to consider tank storage. Concrete tanks can be used for purposes that deal with conservation and, therefore, are retained for use as retention tanks, detention tanks, and tanks for stormwater storage. These types of tanks can be adapted to any type of venue or situation.
Commercial Tank Sizes
Normally, when used for commercial purposes, tanks are sized in diameters of 3.3 metres to 20 metres, and they hold volumes up to 2.5 megalitres. As a result, concrete storage, such as Bega tanks, offer cost-effective long-term storage solutions for underground and above-ground water supplies, as well as sewer systems and stormwater harvesting.
These tanks are used by state and local governments in eco-sensitive locations. In fact, the tanks can be installed on a tight time schedule. One group of tanks was installed for a government in as little as 90 days. The tanks complied with quality and site security standards.
Concrete Rainwater Tanks
Tanks are also used for collecting rainwater. If you are a domestic tank user, you need to base your selection of a tank on the following:
- The amount of rainfall in your locale.
- The existing roof collection area.
- The water use. A family usually uses about 100 litres of water each day.
An Exceptionally Durable Tank
A rainwater tank that is made of concrete is exceptionally durable. Concrete is a natural type of product that actually strengthens with age. Also, when water is stored in a concrete tank, it remains clear, cool, and free of algae. In addition, unlike tanks lined with plastic, this tank will not emit any odours or tastes. Steel tanks rust. Therefore, a concrete tank is preferred if you want rainwater that is fresh and pure.
Also, consider this. A tank made of concrete is less prone to vandalism and, unlike metal, it will not be damaged in a wind storm, even when it is empty. Finally, you do not have to worry about fire if you choose a tank made of concrete.
Have the Tank Poured on Your Site
You can have a domestic rainwater tank made of concrete poured on your site. This allows workers to install the tank quickly. This type of tank does not feature any joints, seams, or weak points. Therefore, you can rest assured that it will provide excellent storage. The tank can be installed either above the ground, partially in the ground, or totally submerged. Additionally, a load-bearing roof can be added as a gazebo or garage floor. Therefore, the tank can be installed completely out of view, if that is your preference.
Contact a company that features concrete tanks today, and obtain an instant quote for a residential or commercial tank.